Hi, This evening we've upgraded services to a later Atheme revision. It brings some functional changes that you should all be aware of: For everyone: - Help text should not include references to functionality not in use. - New NickServ setting QUIETCHG allows you to opt-out of channel change notifications (OP, DEOP etc). - ALIS help now explains the available options. - ChanServ setting RESTRICTED allows restricted channels to people on the access list. This replaces STAFFONLY. - Commands in emails are more compatible and consistant with Atheme online help. - ChanServ TOPIC will no longer set invalid topics. This will prevent colour codes in topics. - Pending email address changes will be shown in NickServ INFO. - Users can cancel an email address change by setting it to their old address. - ChanServ DROP requires a confirmation to help prevent accidental drops. - Disallow adding templates with control characters. For staff only: - Can use ChanServ SET to MLOCK oper only channel modes without having flag +s on the channel. - OperServ RMATCH limits the number of matches to 1000 without the new FORCE keyword. - Administritive account and channel drops should be done with the ChanServ/NickServ FDROP command. - NickServ FORBID command which registers, holds, enforces and freezes an account. This cannot be used on already registered accounts. -- tomaw